LOT 1573
-- 山姆·弗朗西斯 无题
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美国 1923~1994 纸本丙烯 1970年作 出版:Répertorié dans les Archives Fondation Sam Francis N° SF70-008
展览:1.1979 Institute of Contemporary Art and traveling
Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Boston, United States, Sam Francis: Works on Paper, a Survey 1948–1979, September 11–October 28, 1979 (Exhibition catalogue: Butterfield 1979); (Exhibition catalogue: Butterfield 1980), checklist, no ill.
2.1980–81 United States International Communication Agency and traveling
Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, organized for the United States International Communication Agency, Sam Francis: Works on Paper, a Survey 1948–1979, June 4, 1980–June 20, 1981 (Exhibition catalogue: Butterfield 1980–81), no.29, ill.in color.
3.Traveled to: Sapporo American Center, Sapporo, Japan, June 4.1980.Fukuoka City Museum of Art, Fukuoka City, Japan, July 3–24, 1980.
4.Kyoto City Museum of Art, Kyoto City, Japan, July 29–August 10, 1980.
5.Osaka American Center, Osaka, Japan, August 13–21, 1980.
6.American Cultural Center, Manila, Philippines, September 26, 1980.
7.Gallery of the Cultural Center for Philippines, Manila, Philippines, November 12–24, 1980.
8.American Institute in Taiwan American Cultural Center,, Taipei, Taiwan, December 5–23, 1980.
9.American Institute in Taiwan, Cultural Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, January 6–24, 1981.
10.Pao-Sui Loong Galleries, Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong, February 12–March 8, 1981 (A Hong Kong Arts Centre and American Consulate General joint presentation).
11.American Embassy Exhibition Hall, Seoul, South Korea, April 13–May 3, 1981.Taegu, South Korea, May 11–20, 1981.Pusan, South Korea, May 27–June 3, 1981.
12.Kwangju, South Korea, June 11–20, 1981.
13.2017 Hollis Taggart Galleries Hollis Taggart Galleries, New York, United States, Between Tachisme and Abstract Expressionism: Bluhm, Francis, Jenkins, October 5–November 10, 2017, ill.in color, pp.12, 15. 104×75 cm. 来源:美国洛杉矶个人收藏,1970
纽约Hollis Taggart画廊,2017
山姆·弗朗西斯, 美国画家和版画家,出生在加利福尼亚州,以其丰富多彩的大型抽象画而闻名,是第二次世界大战后第一批赢得国际声誉的画家之一。二战中在美国空军服过兵役,空难后在后方疗养的几年时间里,开始对绘画产生了兴趣。他融合抽象表现主义,色域绘画,印象派和东方哲学等元素,创造了一种独特的绘画抽象风格。